shakeelah sutton, MS

Physiologist | Yoga + Mindfulness Instructor | Wellness Consultant

Living in a world that moves fast with high expectations to perform, achieve, and do, I find joy in holding space for us to slow down and simply be.

Blending my background in physiology, psychology, and mindfulness, I specialize in soothing nervous systems stuck in overdrive thanks to our stressful lives. But this work didn’t start with me, it started with my ancestors. From them, I learned:

how to work hard to prove my worth,

how to grind to get ahead,

and how to push through to survive.

While this mindset was necessary for my ancestors to survive, I’ve seen first hand the harm chronic stress (and its cousins, burnout and fatigue) causes to physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, including my own.

learning how to rest our bodies opens the door for deeper relaxation in our minds and hearts to soon follow.

Nine years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that forced my body (and hypervigilant nervous system that thrived on compulsive exercise) to take several seats as I endured waves of chronic pain. My yoga practice became my saving grace, teaching me the value of being gentle with my body which created space for my anxious mind and depressed spirit to feel at ease. 

Fast forward to the collective trauma of 2020 compounded by the sudden death of my mom, I became witness to the ways conscious relaxation experienced through yin and restorative yoga created conditions for deeper emotional processing and release. 

I founded the calm/cool collective in order to create space for us to explore holistic wellness practices that work with the body to rest our overactive nervous systems. With an emphasis on slow movement, stillness, mindful breathing, and community, I’m very intentional about bringing these healing practices to you because of the tremendous impact they’ve had on healing me. 

Thanks for being here.

This work is dedicated to my mom and grandmother who both passed at the age of 49 due to stress-related illnesses, and to all of our ancestors who deeply needed to rest but never got the chance to do so.

education + certifications

(aka - the receipts)

    • M.S. in Clinical Exercise Physiology | The George Washington University

    • B.A. Exercise and Sport Science; Psychology | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    • 200 Hr. Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)

    • Restorative Therapeutic Yoga: The Art of Conscious Relaxation and Deep Listening with Jillian Pransky

    • Trauma-Sensitive Restorative Yoga | Bodywise Foundation

    • Yin yoga certification with Alicia Collier

    • Nyasa Yoga Nidra Level 1 | Art Yoga Fusion & Studio 34

    • Yoga and Mindfulness for Children certification | Childlight Yoga

    • Trauma Informed Yoga for Youth | Yoga Ed.

    • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher Training Level 1 | Brown University

    • Black Mental Health & Healing Justice Peer Support Immersion Certificate | The BEAM Collective

    • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate | The Embody Lab

    • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction | Georgetown University